Skunk Removal

Skunk Removal Services

Skunks will use any crawl space or hole and will dig to gain shelter

MATING: January to late March
GESTATION: 63 days
BORN: Middle March to late May
LITTER: 1 to 6 Kits

Kits are fully mobile by 8 weeks and can leave the den shortly after 10 weeks. The kit's eyes will open around 21 days. Skunks are very shy, nocturnal animals. Skunks will use any crawl space or hole and will dig to gain shelter. Skunks often settle in crawl spaces from an old home, under decks, staircases, garages, barns, wood piles, concrete slabs, side walks or under a pool.

A skunk will use anything it can dig its way under or squeeze itself through in order to get in a dark space, as a den. When a skunk gets into a space under or close to a house, such as under a deck or pool, the female will spray when rejecting the male during mating season. When this happens, a very nasty smell will linger in your home for a very long time (Weeks).

Skunks always look for grubs and bugs to eat, so skunks will often venture close to your house to forage for food. Skunks will dig in your grass and often will fall into a window well, or other hole where they then get trapped. If a window is open around the basement, skunks can and will venture through and fall right into your home!

Yes this has happened very often!!!

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How do we get skunks removed?

Skunks are "BURROWING” animals. We will set a special one-way door and secure the hole and perimeter. Once the skunk goes out, it is trapped outside it’s shelter and is then free.

During baby season, other factors can come into play and situations can be more difficult to remove the female skunk and her offspring from the den they have created.

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